Returns and Warranty

30 Day Hassle Free Returns:
If you would like to return your item please contact us

 to let us know why you want to return the item. We will generally respond in 1 business day with a prepaid return label or any followup questions.

Your refund will be issued or your replacement will be sent after your return is received and processed.

We do not charge any restocking fees.

Please note: This return policy is for items sold through our website at only and does not apply to purchases made on or Purchases made from Your Cable Store on and are subject to Amazon's return policies and need to be returned through Amazon's system.

Defective items and our 1 Year Warranty:
All Your Cable Store, Sendt and YCS Basics branded items come with a 1 year limited warranty that covers replacement of defective items.

If your item fails during the warranty period please contact us to start the warranty process. Please be sure to include your order number, where you purchased the item and a description of the problem.

Please note: No sellers are authorized to resell our products and our warranty is valid only for items purchased directly from Your Cable Store. As a result an order through, Your Cable Store Amazon USA, or Your Cable Store Amazon Canada is required for warranty service. If you purchased your product anywhere else you need to contact the seller you purchased from.